Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How ironic is this packaging?

1. Packaging is very important in the marketing of a product. The packaging of a product can decided whether I will buy the product or not. I like most shoppers tend to be swayed by attractive packaging. For example, When I go shopping for cereal, I come to the store with a general idea of what I want but sometimes I end up getting something different or two boxes of cereal. When I have no idea of what type of cereal, I'm definitely not picking the one with the plain boring box.

2. Alcoholic beverages have very iconic packaging. The producers of the alcoholic beverages do this on purpose, because they know that people pay attention to what the bottle looks like before they buy it. The manufacturers always take into to concern the "new buyers", which are people who have never bought alcohol before and they have no clue of what's good and what's not. They assume that the "new buyer" will be more tempted to buy something that's in an attractive bottle. They also take into consideration how the visceral design will mirror the reflective design. For example, If you're rich and you're going to buy alcohol you will want to buy something that's attractive and represents your wealth.

3. There are issues with usability of packaging. The main issues are it's materials, accessibility, and it's construction. Examples of bad packaging are anything that's air sealed in extremely thick plastic. These items are very difficult to open. Examples of good functioning packaging are anything that looks good and is easily opened without tools.

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